how much is duolingo plus

Is Duolingo Plus worth it !? Learn about prices and features of this app

If you are looking for a practical way to learn a language, we present Duolingo Plus. Excellent option to learn languages. Currently, we find many applications that are used to learn a particular language. However, the tricky thing is to know if they really provide valuable content.

For this reason, we have prepared this information that will allow you to learn more about Duolingo Plus. Read on, and decide whether this application is worth using or not.

What is Duolingo App ?

Duolingo is a tool that allows users to learn various types of languages in a practical and simple way. Among the languages are French, English and Portuguese. Moreover, this application is available for Android, Chrome and iOS phones.

This app has another, more updated version which we will tell you a bit more about below.

Is Duolingo Plus worth it

Duolingo plus

Duolingo Plus is a more updated version than the previous one and it is paid. Having a cost has other benefits such as: downloadable lessons in any language, personalized classes, no ads and deeper topics. This version’s mission is to provide users with excellent teaching quality.

What is the Duolingo Plus app for?

This platform aims to help students learn in a didactic and practical way. The function of Duolingo Plus is to correct mistakes, the multimedia images and the translation offered by the platform allows the user to learn in an interactive way.

They also learn through the doubts that arise. They will be able to access the Duolingo community in case they do not understand something and ask for help. For best results, it is recommended to dedicate between 40 and 60 minutes a day to this learning process.

how much is duolingo plus

How do I access the Duolingo Plus app

The first thing you must do to start using Duolingo Plus is to go directly to the Google Play Store. There you must enter the name in the search engine and download the application. After that, you must first register with your data to start enjoying its benefits.

Remember that this Duolingo Plus app is paid, so you will have to choose the plan that best suits your pocket. You can also select the option of 14 days for free to get to know the application. After that time, you will have to pay the monthly service of the plan you have chosen.

Steps to sign up for Duolingo Plus

To get a Duolingo account, you must enter the platform’s official website or through the mobile application. You can use your Facebook or Google email address.

From the web –

  • Log in to the official page of the application and click on “get started”.
  • Create a Duolingo profile with the requested data.
  • Enter your username and password.

From an Android phone –

  • Enter the app and download it.
  • Select the language you will learn.
  • Set your goals.
  • Choose to start from zero or from one level.
  • Complete your profile information.

What Duolingo Plus can be used for

This application has been incorporated in schools and institutions as a strategy for teaching languages such as English since 2015. It is being used in Guatemala, USA and Costa Rica to teach other languages as well.

This modality allows teachers to keep track of students’ progress in class. At the same time, to observe the academic performance and the failures that the student has to improve. Therefore, this tool can be used according to each need.

How much is Duolingo Plus

The cost of the package offered by Duolingo Plus is approximately $9.90. The price will depend on the package you wish to use.

It is worth using Duolingo Plus

Like any application or platform that exists, it will always have its advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, we will briefly explain each of them.

Advantages of Duolingo Plus

Among some of the most outstanding ones we can mention the following:

  1. More than 50 languages available.
  2. Free download.
  3. It has a creative interface that allows the user to learn and have fun.
  4. Available for Android and smart devices.
  5. Usage log and learner pattern.

What we don’t like

One important thing to know about the app is the following:

  • It only works with audio.
  • The interaction is only with the platform without the participation of other people.
  • Sometimes the lessons are very repetitive.
  • There are no teachers to solve a doubt during the lessons.
  • The teaching focuses only on vocabulary.

For these reasons, if you want to learn a language, we recommend using this application as an additional means of learning. At the same time it allows you to look for other alternatives.

Other important things to highlight that will help you make the decision to use or not the application are the recognitions it has obtained over time. As an example we can mention some of them.

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Users’ opinions for Duolingo Plus

For the year 2013, this application was recognized as one of the best apps of the year to be used in iPhone phones. This recognition was due to the fact that the application was the most downloaded as an educational tool for the year 2013 and also in 2015.

Users and students who have used this platform have been satisfied with the learning they have had. In addition, they comment that the application sends them notifications of the progress they have made during the classes they have watched.

Thanks to Duolingo, people have been able to expand vocabulary in any language. This is because they learn in a simple and fun way.

Now that you know a little more about Duolingo Plus, you will be able to know if this is the right application for you to use and make the right decision. Download it and try for yourself the benefits offered by this method of learning a language. You can find this application in the Google Play Store and download the free and Plus versions.

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