FitOn App - Meet the best app for home workout

FitOn App : Meet the best app for home workout in 2023

Physical and mental health is very important to those who want to look and feel good. Exercising is the easiest and fastest way to look healthy; but to be honest, it’s not easy to find the time to go to the gym and do it. How about working out without leaving home? FitOn App is an excellent tool for working out in the comfort of your own home.

What is FitOn App, who can benefit from the application’s training programs, and do you get real results from working out with FitOn? Below, we will answer all your questions about this interesting app.

FitOn App : Meet the best app for home workout

FitOn is a personalized trainer, which you can access according to your schedule and circumstances, without leaving your home; it is an app designed by real instructors, specifically by the renowned trainers Caroline Pearce and Cassey Ho. The disciplines included are very diverse: Dance, Pilates, cardio and yoga, among others.

FitOn App - Meet the best app for home workout

The number of exercises is unlimited and free of charge. And since it is a personal trainer, FitOn App also gives suggestions on the most suitable exercises according to the particular case. If you are a beginner, don’t worry, you won’t be alone, all routines are guided by an expert coach.

Improving our physical appearance is easier when we have the motivation, the right coach and the time available to exercise. FitOn brings these three elements together and puts them at our fingertips without spending a penny and without leaving home.

What results are achieved by training with FitOn? We can get an idea from the excellent rating (4.7 stars) given by its users in the Play Store. This rating is due to the quality of this app, proven in the results at the level of overall health and weight loss.

Features of this home workout app

FitOn is a trainer ready to cater to all the needs of its users. And this is one of the reasons why it has a large community of followers. Regardless of personal requirement or level of training, FitOn has a plan and a workout ready for every user.

What makes FitOn different from other health and home fitness apps?

  1. Unlimited and free workout
  2. Audio and video quality
  3. Runs in the background
  4. Wide variety of workout styles
  5. Adaptable to age and fitness level
  6. Nice and friendly interface
  7. Compatible with a variety of devices and operating systems
  8. Includes a program to evaluate progress

The quality of FitOn goes beyond its functionality, it encompasses the reading material it makes available on health and fitness topics. In addition there is a section dedicated to suggestions and recommendations to make a meal plan that contributes to achieving the proposed goals; either weight loss or any other related to health.

Everything we can do with FitOn

As you have noticed, it is a very complete app that guides us in all the training and nutrition from the first moment. The first step to start working with FitOn is to answer some questions, such as weight, size, age and physical condition.

All of this pre-testing gives this tool the ability to help us achieve success in the goals we have set for ourselves. This is especially useful if we are new to physical activity. The same app guides you to choose the most suitable training for you. What do you want to do?

  • Increase physical activity
  • Lose weight
  • Tone your body
  • Gain muscle
  • Reduce stress
  • Training before or after childbirth

Once you are clear about your goal, then it’s time to choose how much time you want to dedicate to training. You can select the days of the week and the time to exercise; there are modalities of only 5 minutes a day. With all this information, FitOn App guides you towards the routine that suits you best. According to your preferences, physical condition and time availability.

FitOn home workout app

Advantages and disadvantages of FitOn home workout app

Finding an application that helps us to gain health, and that also adapts to our lifestyle and preferences, is not easy. FitOn offers all this in its free version. Undoubtedly, these are excellent advantages of this app. A remarkable detail is the technique that FitOn uses to motivate its users.

More than one of us gets discouraged when training alone, it is difficult to stay enthusiastic when we are not in the gym in the company of others. FitOn makes sure you feel like you’re in the company of others while you train. Thanks to its feature you can share with friends, you can even stay connected with them in real time.

One of the disadvantages of FitOn is its language limitation, it is only available in English. Some users have also reported problems when playing training videos, and slowness in the mobile after downloading this app. Of course, advertisements are still a negative point in the free version of FitOn.

Benefits of working out using FitOn

If there is one thing that doctors and sports trainers agree on, it is the benefits of exercising. The wellness you get from some physical training is projected on every level, mental, physical and emotional. While it is true that looking good is very important, regular training achieves more than that.

It is necessary to start taking small steps for our health and that of the whole family. With home workout applications like FitOn, there are no more excuses for not doing so. From the comfort of our home we can choose how and when to exercise in a fun way, with family and friends.

FitOn App FAQs

How do I download FitOn on my Android phone?

It is a fast and free procedure, to download FitOn, from the official Google store, click here.

How much does FitOn Premium version cost

At the moment the value of the FitOn App subscription for 1 year is $ 29.99. With this subscription you have access to valuable features, for example: offline workout videos, personalised meal plans, exclusive music and much more.

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